Monday, June 27, 2011

Explosion Box

I have been wanting to make an explosion box for quite some time now. So I took the opportunity of my mother's 60th birthday to do just that. They are pretty easy for the most part...thank goodness for that. Well this is juat a short post, but I wanted to get it on today...thanks for stopping by for a look-see.
I hope you all have the most wonerful day!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lamp Shade

Wow! I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted something. Summer is so crazy with the kids out of school now.
Anyway, I have finally completed something else for my daughter's room make-over. I have finished the lamp shade for her lamp. It was not what we originally planned, but it still came out good. I am in the middle of making her valance now, but of course as luck would have it I ran out of hot fix crystals. I have ordered them, and am just waiting for them to get here so I can continue on. I have also been making quite a bit of jewelry lately. I am having a problem with being able to take good pictures of the items. I need a Nikon for dummies book, or something. I am going to keep trying until the picture turn out. Anyway, here is the lamp shade..before and after....
I hope you all have the most wonderful day!
