Sunday, August 28, 2011


These are the invitations we made for my daughter's 13th Birthday. This is the theme we are re-decorating her room in. They turned out great. I can wait to see her room when it is all complete. We have been buying things, and refurbishing items. The weekend before her birthday we are going to go in take all the items out (those left that we did not refurbish), and put all the new in. She is so excited and cant wait. The only thing that she is currently allowed to have before the room makeover is the new chair we bought for the room. The rest she has to wait for.
That is about all I have for now.
I hope you have a wonderful day!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Retirement Card

This is a quick retirement card I made for someone at work that is retiring this week.
I used coordinations paper, cuttlebug, K and company butterfly and Cri-kits.
I wanted it to be simple yet elegant. I think I accomplished that.

Thanks for stopping by to take a look...Have the most wonderful day.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Link Up Love Party with K Andrew

K. Andrew of Getting Cricky with K Andrew has a monthly link Link Up Love party. This is a wonderful way to meet new people, and see more of the wonderful blogs that are out there. She does have some requirements that we all must follow. These are in place to be fair to everyone. K. Andrew is one of the most fantastic people I have found since entering the blogging world. She is one of the most generous people I know. She also has a wonderful new line of stamps that she donates part of the proceeds to different awesome is that?? I am so grateful for her, her generosity, and all the inspiration she provides.

As some of you know I have been working for months on different project to re-decorate my oldest daughter's bedroom in October. It is one of the most important birthday's for her as she will officially be a teenager. The valance below is one of the projects I finished recently. It did turn our great, and will look so good with the curtains that we bought.

All that being said...Please come and join in on the fun...Below are the rules for the Link up party.
*Link Up Party runs from Tuesday 8/16 to Tuesday 8/23. Winners announced 8/29
*Grab my blinkie and post on your blog's sidebar
*Be a follower of this blog
*Create a new blog post that is titled Link Up Love Party with K Andrew. In your post, you must mention that the link up love party is a way to get to know each other and find new blog inspiration, mention my blog, with a link back to my blog .
*Post your favorite project that you've done in your blog post WITH ONE thing you are grateful for!
*Copy and paste the link up code into your blog post so the Inlinkz will show up on your blog
*Spread the word so everyone can join in!
*You must visit, follow, and comment on the 5 people before you AND the 5 people after you in the Inlinkz. It would be fantastic if you would visit as many as you can--maybe everyone? If you are one of the first 5 then you will need to blog the ones before you and a few more after--as long as it's a minimum of 10 near you in the link up tool/gadget)
If you do not do the above your link will be deleted, because it's just not fair to those who work so hard linking up and showing love to the ones on the list. I have two moderators who will be checking this out to keep it awesome and fun!