Monday, January 17, 2011

All I can say is WOW...I actually won a blog award!!!!

First off I want to thank Ashley at for bestowing this award on me. I do so appreciate it. I feel so honored to receive this. I just love to craft, and I have found inspiration from so many other's blog since I started the blog scene. So I must thank all them as well.

To accept this award I have to 
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded me
2. Share 8 things about myself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers I recently found
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award
8 things about myself
1. I am a mother to 3 spectacular kids.
2. I a married to one of the greatest men on the planet.
3. I work full time Monday through Friday which leaves mostly just weekends for crafing.
4. I love to do all things crafty
5. I am addicted to scanning blogs for inspiration.
6. I do not have a scrap room, so I must do all my crafting in the dining room...that, by the way, is also utalized daily as a dining room.
7. I love love love humor and laughter.
8. I love the fact that I may inspire some one with my postings or projects.
Now on to one of the most important requirments of this to others. The following blogs are in no particular order. I have been inspired by each and every one of them..Thank you for that!
Now please take the time to visit each one of these wonderful blogs along with Ashley's. Thanks again to all of you who inspire others. You are truly talented.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Disney Dreamer Designs Giveaway

Head on over to Disney Dreamer Designs for a great giveaway for her getting 20,000 + visitors. Good Luck to all...Just click the link, and head on over there!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Need help....

I have looked everywhere I can think of. I am trying to find out what the font is on the Summer in Paris cartridge. I can find some scripts that are close, but not exact. Do any of you know what it might be? I wanted to use this font for things in my daughter's room. Thanks in advance for any help that you may be able to provide.
Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birthday Card

This is a quick birthday card that I did last night. My daugher picked out everything that is on the card. It is for one of her friends. I think the paper is DCWV, but I am not sure..I am not at home to look. I used the create-a-critter and birthday bash cartridges. I used glitter glue for the top of the candle. The flower and green stone are from Imaginice.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Working on blog

I am working on my blog. I am using the damask background as inspiration. My oldest daugher will be 13 in October, and for her birthday she gets a room makeover. She has chosen this pattern. So the room will be white, black, and pink. It will have a Paris theme to it. We are starting now so that she can change her mind on things as she already has. I will post before and after pictures. However, the will not be on here until October. I is a long wait. I will post items as we redo them, make them , or buy them. We have 9 more months to complete this. I am very excited as is she.
Have a beautiful day!