Friday, January 4, 2013

Going to be out for a month or so

Well we finally have the closing date on our house. It is only 3 months later than planned, but now it is here. We do out walk though in 10 days, and close in 18 days. That being said it is time for me to get off the computer, and start packing. We are moving in the weekend of the 25th. I will be so very happy to be in the new home I just do not like the moving part. We never did fully unpack all of our things because we knew we would be moving soon. I know my husband will be happy because I am more than willing to get rid of some things now that we have not had a use for them in 8 months. I plan to do most of the packing and unpacking as my plan if sor him to build my table for my wonderfyl new craft room. The table should be awesome. The plan is for it to be 5ft x 6ft. He is going to make it counter height so I can sit or stand comfortably at it. I will have storage underneath it as well because of the size of it. We had outlets put in the middle of the room in the floor because we knew the table was going to be this big. He is going to drill a hole in the middle of the table for me to just be able to drop cords down, and they will be out of the way. I am so super excited about this. Once the table is in we will figure out the rest of the sotrage that we are going to put in. I do know along one wall will be a countertop of some sort with cabinets. I will post pictures as the process goes. I can not wait to get in that room and start playing. My girlies are so excited too. Thanks for stopping in and letting me bore you for a few..I hope you all have a fantabulous day.

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