Friday, November 2, 2012

Long time no post

Well it has been quite some time since I have made a post. Since we sold our house and are waiting for our new one to be completed I am not able to get a lot of crafting done. I am going BANANAS!!! We put all my crafting supplies into storage...only after my loving husband agreed to get a climate controlled storage facility. Well lately I have been buying more and more crafting supplies again. I just hope I do not have too many duplicate items sitting in storage. There was no way I could go cold turkey though. So even though I have not made any cards lately (which is my most favorite thing to do) I have been busy doing some other things. I decided that the colors for my new craft room are going to be black white and turquoise. I am repurposing bins, making over a filing cabinet, and crocheting a blanket specifically for the craft room. I will post some pics of those items as they are completed. I am getting rather excited as the house is nearing completion. We have walls inside now, and the brick and stone are up on the outside. I can not wait for the house to be complete so that I can get in there and get my craft room decorated then up and running.
Well I have made this long enough. I look forward to getting back into posting on my blog, and reading others.
Have a fantabulous day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy,
    Hang in there, hopefully you would have to hold on too much longer to be back to crafting regularly.

    Come by my blog...there's something there for you!

    Susie Craft Happy
