Thursday, December 1, 2011

Been away for a while

Well I have missed stalking blogs for a while now. Life has been crazy busy lately which has given me no time to keep up with my blog, or look at anyone elses. I am ready to get back to it though. I have missed it so much. I have started making my christmas cards finally...I am behind the curve on this as well. One of the things that has had me so busy is a college class I am taking. My final is next week then I can focus focus focus on my Christmas crafts. I am so looking forward to see what everyone has been up to since I have been MIA..
Have the most wonderful day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Room Makeover COMPLETE!!! YAY!!!

My daughter's room is finally finished...We have worked on and off for several months to get everything done. We did this for her 13th birthday. We needed to change the little girl things to teenager stuff (sniffle sniffle)...I was able to go in and change everything while she was gone this past weekend so it would be a little bit of a surprise for her. The only thing that I did that she did not know about was the clock that I made. Needless to say she was so excited when she got home. She had told me a 1000 times how much she loved it. I am so happy to have done it for her. She is an awsome smart girl that deserve all the greatness in life. Now for the pictures. The first two are before then the rest are after...but I am pretty sure all you wonderful people would have figure that out ;)..

Thanks for stopping by...Have a wonderful day

Sunday, August 28, 2011


These are the invitations we made for my daughter's 13th Birthday. This is the theme we are re-decorating her room in. They turned out great. I can wait to see her room when it is all complete. We have been buying things, and refurbishing items. The weekend before her birthday we are going to go in take all the items out (those left that we did not refurbish), and put all the new in. She is so excited and cant wait. The only thing that she is currently allowed to have before the room makeover is the new chair we bought for the room. The rest she has to wait for.
That is about all I have for now.
I hope you have a wonderful day!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Retirement Card

This is a quick retirement card I made for someone at work that is retiring this week.
I used coordinations paper, cuttlebug, K and company butterfly and Cri-kits.
I wanted it to be simple yet elegant. I think I accomplished that.

Thanks for stopping by to take a look...Have the most wonderful day.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Link Up Love Party with K Andrew

K. Andrew of Getting Cricky with K Andrew has a monthly link Link Up Love party. This is a wonderful way to meet new people, and see more of the wonderful blogs that are out there. She does have some requirements that we all must follow. These are in place to be fair to everyone. K. Andrew is one of the most fantastic people I have found since entering the blogging world. She is one of the most generous people I know. She also has a wonderful new line of stamps that she donates part of the proceeds to different awesome is that?? I am so grateful for her, her generosity, and all the inspiration she provides.

As some of you know I have been working for months on different project to re-decorate my oldest daughter's bedroom in October. It is one of the most important birthday's for her as she will officially be a teenager. The valance below is one of the projects I finished recently. It did turn our great, and will look so good with the curtains that we bought.

All that being said...Please come and join in on the fun...Below are the rules for the Link up party.
*Link Up Party runs from Tuesday 8/16 to Tuesday 8/23. Winners announced 8/29
*Grab my blinkie and post on your blog's sidebar
*Be a follower of this blog
*Create a new blog post that is titled Link Up Love Party with K Andrew. In your post, you must mention that the link up love party is a way to get to know each other and find new blog inspiration, mention my blog, with a link back to my blog .
*Post your favorite project that you've done in your blog post WITH ONE thing you are grateful for!
*Copy and paste the link up code into your blog post so the Inlinkz will show up on your blog
*Spread the word so everyone can join in!
*You must visit, follow, and comment on the 5 people before you AND the 5 people after you in the Inlinkz. It would be fantastic if you would visit as many as you can--maybe everyone? If you are one of the first 5 then you will need to blog the ones before you and a few more after--as long as it's a minimum of 10 near you in the link up tool/gadget)
If you do not do the above your link will be deleted, because it's just not fair to those who work so hard linking up and showing love to the ones on the list. I have two moderators who will be checking this out to keep it awesome and fun!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Turtle Card

I made this cute little card for my brother and his family. It was for no particular reason, but to just send a few things their way. I love me some Peechy Keen stamps, and My Pink Stamper stamps!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful day!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thank You card

This is a quick thank you card that I made for the most wonderful lady that works at the car dealership service department. Whenever we have to take our vehicles in for anything she is always so upbeat, and helpful. I know that not all customer's make her job easy so I wanted her to know that there are some that appreciate what she does.
Sorry for the shadow at the top...I am not real sure what happened there.
Thanks for stopping by and Have the most wonderful day!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Explosion Box

I have been wanting to make an explosion box for quite some time now. So I took the opportunity of my mother's 60th birthday to do just that. They are pretty easy for the most part...thank goodness for that. Well this is juat a short post, but I wanted to get it on today...thanks for stopping by for a look-see.
I hope you all have the most wonerful day!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lamp Shade

Wow! I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted something. Summer is so crazy with the kids out of school now.
Anyway, I have finally completed something else for my daughter's room make-over. I have finished the lamp shade for her lamp. It was not what we originally planned, but it still came out good. I am in the middle of making her valance now, but of course as luck would have it I ran out of hot fix crystals. I have ordered them, and am just waiting for them to get here so I can continue on. I have also been making quite a bit of jewelry lately. I am having a problem with being able to take good pictures of the items. I need a Nikon for dummies book, or something. I am going to keep trying until the picture turn out. Anyway, here is the lamp shade..before and after....
I hope you all have the most wonderful day!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mother's day cards

Here are two Mother's day cards I made up real quick last night. I used my new favorite cart...which is Damask. I love it. I cut the cards out at 6 1/2.  I added a bow. sentiment and some blingy bling to each one. I still need to go back and print the envelopes.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look...I hope you all have a magnificent day!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First two layouts....ever

Well here are the first two layouts I have ever created. They are very basic and simple. I make more cards than anything. I did notice that I had a ditz moment when I made the new arrival LO...I forgot to put the date of birth on it. I can not believe I forgot one of the most important things. Anyway, I will get that fixed. I am making this book for my niece and her new baby. Hopefully I will get better at LOs along the way.
I used the New Arrival and Boys will be Boys carts on these.
Oh..and by the way...I used my new Scrap'n Easel to display these. I really do love this thing.
Have the most wonderful scrappin day!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fed-Ex just delivered my new Scrap'n Easel....Woo Hoo.

Well I just received my new toy...I can't wait to use it. I have never made scrapbook pages before. I usually make cards, and do other crafts. I plan to do some pages in the near future, and I thought this would be a great aid in making them. The only thing I have to say on the negative side (and it is not really negative) is that it is heavier than I expected...maybe I missed that part in the description...I am still so excited, and can't wait to try it out.
I hope you all have a wonderful crafting day!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Trip to Dallas/Forth Worth

Well we leave in the morning for our annual spring break trip to DFW. Can any one tell me where the good scrapbooking places are for supplies. I wanted to visit somewhere other than Michaels, Hobby Lobby and Joann's. If you know of any good stores please let me know.
Have the most wonderful day!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Pictures and frames completed

Well we are able to check another item off the list of things to do for my daughter's big 13th birthday room make-over.



I used the Summer in Paris cartridge. I set them up on my Gypsy, and just streched them until they fit an 8x10 frame. After that I added the crystals with the iRoc. That tool and I are becoming best friends.
 We went to Kirklands this past weekend and found these cute high heel shoes in black, clear and fuschia so we just had to get them. I will take a picture of them later. We also got her a full length black mirror from there also. I plan to cut a few things out in vinyl to put on that. Anyway, as we complete more things I will post them.
Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two projects completed

Well I have fianlly started doing things for my daughter's room make over. I have completed two things so far. I Have changed her dryerase/cork board, and added jewles to a pillow.
For the cork/dry erase board I painted the trim black, and I painted the cork side white. Then I added a pink ribbon with a black and white ribbon down the middle. I may end up just buying a new one since the dry erase side has seen better days. I found the pillow at Hancock Fabrics, and it matched what we are doing perfectly...not to mention it was on favorite word. I just added fuschia jewels with my iRoc...which I love.



Tomorrow we paint picture more before and after photos to follow!!
Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Earings I made the last couple of weeks

I have been doing several things over the last few weeks. I am trying to re-decorate our master bath, we are re-decorating our oldest daughter's room, and I have made some jewelry. below are a few pictures of some earrings that I made. I will be posting some other pictures soon of the towels I made for the bath, and also a few of the things that i have completed for our oldest daughter's room. I also hope that I can get my Etsy store up and running soon.


Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No Posts lately

Well we have had the sickness run though our family...every one has had it but my oldest daughter. I think she just might be able to avoid it. I have some things to post, but I need to take pictures first. Hopefully this coming weekend I can get some things posted.
I hope you all are staying warm, and safe. Our cold weather showed up yesterday...I moved to south Texas to avoid this, and it is 28 degrees here right now. I can't complain too much though I know there are so many others out there that can't go anywhere because of snow and such. I would like a snow day (just 1 or maybe 2) so I could stay home and craft instead of go to work. Oh well....can't have it all I guess.
Have the most wonderful day...

Monday, January 17, 2011

All I can say is WOW...I actually won a blog award!!!!

First off I want to thank Ashley at for bestowing this award on me. I do so appreciate it. I feel so honored to receive this. I just love to craft, and I have found inspiration from so many other's blog since I started the blog scene. So I must thank all them as well.

To accept this award I have to 
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded me
2. Share 8 things about myself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers I recently found
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award
8 things about myself
1. I am a mother to 3 spectacular kids.
2. I a married to one of the greatest men on the planet.
3. I work full time Monday through Friday which leaves mostly just weekends for crafing.
4. I love to do all things crafty
5. I am addicted to scanning blogs for inspiration.
6. I do not have a scrap room, so I must do all my crafting in the dining room...that, by the way, is also utalized daily as a dining room.
7. I love love love humor and laughter.
8. I love the fact that I may inspire some one with my postings or projects.
Now on to one of the most important requirments of this to others. The following blogs are in no particular order. I have been inspired by each and every one of them..Thank you for that!
Now please take the time to visit each one of these wonderful blogs along with Ashley's. Thanks again to all of you who inspire others. You are truly talented.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Disney Dreamer Designs Giveaway

Head on over to Disney Dreamer Designs for a great giveaway for her getting 20,000 + visitors. Good Luck to all...Just click the link, and head on over there!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Need help....

I have looked everywhere I can think of. I am trying to find out what the font is on the Summer in Paris cartridge. I can find some scripts that are close, but not exact. Do any of you know what it might be? I wanted to use this font for things in my daughter's room. Thanks in advance for any help that you may be able to provide.
Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Birthday Card

This is a quick birthday card that I did last night. My daugher picked out everything that is on the card. It is for one of her friends. I think the paper is DCWV, but I am not sure..I am not at home to look. I used the create-a-critter and birthday bash cartridges. I used glitter glue for the top of the candle. The flower and green stone are from Imaginice.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Working on blog

I am working on my blog. I am using the damask background as inspiration. My oldest daugher will be 13 in October, and for her birthday she gets a room makeover. She has chosen this pattern. So the room will be white, black, and pink. It will have a Paris theme to it. We are starting now so that she can change her mind on things as she already has. I will post before and after pictures. However, the will not be on here until October. I is a long wait. I will post items as we redo them, make them , or buy them. We have 9 more months to complete this. I am very excited as is she.
Have a beautiful day!